Friday, 19 December 2008

4: Music of 08

Safe to say I'm more than a bit out of touch with popular music, and I'm pretty glad! Was just looking through the top scrobbled tracks albums and artists on over the year, how fucking BLAND do you want?! I miss when music had hair on it's balls.

Seeing how have decided that a list is FAR to simple and that some kind of insane system where you have to go to a different page to see who's next, I'll write it down here...

10: MGMT - Kids
9: Coldplay - Strawberry Swing
8: Coldplay - 42
7: Katy Perry - I Kissed a Girl
6: another shit song off viva la vida - Coldplay
5: ANOTHER track off viva la vida - Coldplay
4: Electric Feel - MGMT
3: Time To pretend - MGMT
2: Good god, has nobody realised that coldplay are SHIT! (another one off viva la vida) - Coldplay
1: Viva La Vida (is a shit name for an album) - Coldplay

so yeah, apparently only 2 good bands released albums this year... humm...


10: 'This title is in forign' - Sigur Ros.
9: Sleep Through The Static - Jack Johnson
8: Made in the Dark - Hot Chip
7: Narrow Stairs - Death Cab for Cutie
6: Konk - The Kooks
5: We Started nothing - The Ting Tings
4: Ghosts I-IV - Nine Inch Nails
3: Third - Portishead
2: Oracular Spectacular - MGMT
1: Viva La Vida - Coldplay

Now, I wasn't aware that most of these albums had even been released, and on the whole, I don't feel that bad about missing them. I quite like Sigur Ros, they're very good at what they do, but that said, this album could be shite, I've not heard it. It's probably alright, but it's probably not that different to the other stuff they've done. Jack Johnson can fuck off, you are BORING just STOP. I'd almost go as far as to say that you're more boring than Coldplay Jack Johnson, please go away.

Hot Chip are dancy pop stuff, I wouldn't say it was groundbreaking, but it's not bad and it's pretty non-offensive, not something that's gonna make me want to throw things at the stereo if it comes on. The next two albums would have much the opposite effect. The kooks are BLAND, there's no other way of putting it. The Ting Tings... well Christ, where, do I start?!?! I just want to kill them with a rock, specifically that horse faced 'singer'. 'We started nothing', no, you started a shit band and then pretended that you were edgy and different and that people liked you. New NIN, meh, it all went a bit wrong after the Downward Spiral, just been a bit bland since then. That and Trent Reznor must now be old enough to know better than to be such an emo shit, and that he's lost his looks, STOP TRYING. Portishead are pretty good, but still a bit bland... I've not heard this album tho, so it might be good, I won't slag it off. Same goes for MGMT, they might be okay, but their aesthetic annoys me, trying too hard to be a bit weird and arty. The one track I've heard from them was okay, bland though.

And Coldplay, Jesus titty fucking CHRIST! THE BLANDEST most ANNOYING band EVER. THIS IS NOT WHAT GOOD MUSIC SOUNDS LIKE, STOP BUYING IT. I could literally rant about how much I dislike Coldplay and everything they stand for (or don't as the case) until my fingers fall off, but I won't. I will say, however, that whoever thought Viva la Vida was a good name for an album should be shot. It's one of the worst album titles I've heard for years. I miss the days when it was a bit of a coldplay/travis battle. You'd have one year where coldplay brought out an album, then the next it'd be Travis. Travis should have won that little battle...

Coldplay make my blood boil, so I'll stop there and do the top artists of the year....

10: Santogold (whoooooo?!)
9: Does it Offend you, Yeah. (Well I like this band, They blow Hadouken! out the water. Nu-Rave is still a bit shit, but I like it. A very high concentration of bad band names in that 'scene'...)
8: Bon Iver (again, whooooooo. I read what had to say about him though, sounds bland)
7: Foals (bland, indie, shit)
6: The Last Shadow Puppets (they're okay, but only well known because of the Arctic Monkeys link, and the whole Arctic Monkeys thing is a bit mad.)
5: Katy Perry (well at least she's not pretending to be anything she's not)
4: Fleet Foxes (I like the amount of beard in this band, but they're still a bit dull)
3: Sara Bareilles (was gonna read about what had to say about her but this was the first line: 'With a fun line in twee pop videos and some charming love songs to accompany them...'. No, just NO)
2: The Ting Tings (KILL. WITH. A. ROCK!)
1: MGMT (since writing the above about MGMT, I've had a bit of a listen on youtube to them and they'd be ok if they if they we're such electo puffs. Come back when you've grown some balls and stopped wearing sequins and neon)

So, after all that, what the fuck happened to young people being ANGRY about stuff, wanting to get up and do something, ANYTHING. Why so apathetic about everything, are they putting sedatives in school meals these days? It's not even like there's nothing to get worked up about these days. I'll agree with the argument that on your own you're not going to end poverty, or whatever, but you know, racism is still about, it's fucking rife in this country, and it's apathetic shitheads that let it happen. Just....eurgh, get off your arse and get angry about something, anything.

Thursday, 18 December 2008

3: Birthday

It's safe to say that I'm one of the people who finds this time of year deeply depressing. I dunno what it is exactly, but a number of factors come together to make me just wanna crawl in a hole and sleep for a month or two. It's cold, it's dark, people are stressing about buying things and not having money, you don't see your friends as much because there's no school or whatever; things like that, and the insane pressure to have a good time. 'It's Christmas, have fun!', despite the fact that is really very hard to have fun when someone tries to arrange/force it.

Not only is there this but it's my Birthday too, today specifically. Brillo, a week exactly before Christmas, EXACTLY the time when people are running about mad trying to sort out the food and the presents and all that enforced joy and family harmony stuff, and not giving a shit about much else. I'm seriously considering doing what the Queen does and having an official Birthday in June or something when there isn't some grotesque bastard child of a religious festival that people go mad for going on.

I've been a bit shit at the blog, I will do my very utmost to make it weekly, because I like reading it back, it's interesting. I don't know who reads this other than me, probably nobody, which might well be a good thing, but I'll go on pretending like I have an audience....

Got a new camera today! it's the sex. I'm gonna try to put up some of my work, just something I've been doing that week, there's various places you can go (I say various, it's DevArt and MySpace) if you want a 'portfolio'. I've been finding it redicu-larse-ly difficult to motovate myself to work recently, but needless to say the rants will say coming to here whenever they happen.