Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Day..... ahhhhh stuff it

You may have noticed I've given up. Did pretty well though, much better than last time, it's just a shame my life is so boring!

Have some photoz:

Saturday, 8 August 2009

Day 42

I watched a lot of TV yesterday, mostly River Cottage, which makes me want to grow things and eat strange bits of animals. So I decided that I HAD to go and buy a chilli plant. so I did. Evil EVIL homebase however, won't let me leave without buying things I don't need, namely two packets of seeds and 6 fucia plants. With Hannah's help, my window ledge now looks pretty awesome, and I've not even planted everything yet....I don't even like spicy food

Thursday, 6 August 2009

Day 41

Lovely lovely Elf let me use his washing machine AND cooked me a dinner AND came to the pub with me AND drove me about, AAAAAANNND gave me things. Things such as a loaf of bread and a slow cooker.

Elf is awesome.

I had a munch on last night though, and this was the reminants of the loaf Elf gave me. It was still warm from baking, I couldn't help it! I finished it off today too.

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Day 40

Well, lets plug something!

Tumblr is awesome! Have a link to a post on there from Day 40 (Which is yesterday now, but shhh)

Linkey Linkey

Monday, 3 August 2009

Day 39


Also, the wall is expanding! hehehehe :D

Day 38

I only ate half of it in the end, but I did eat it while watching Pretty Woman. Anybody else notice how the dress she's wearing on the cover is totally different colors to the one she wears in the film....

Sunday, 2 August 2009

Day 37

I woke up at about 3, thought about going to jessops to pick up my prints, didn't, played fable, then went to work. So no photo.

Some exciting things happening on ebay though! Auction ends at 8.30 AM though, so that won't be fun.

Saturday, 1 August 2009

Day 36

Look how fucked my eye is from playing xbox all day again!I'm such a raging Fable II geek, I love it.