Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Day 18

Did quite a lot today. didn't leave the flat, have a wash, or get dressed though, so I'm still a disgusting failure of a human being. I watched the rest of Diary if the Dead (I'm getting better, this one was only 2 sittings), it was a bit shit, but the bonus disc was quite interesting, almost made up for it.

I then made two, yes TWO stews because the veg I had was going a bit funky (funky veggies, teehee). Think I've sorted out the issues with the recipe for what is Stew 2 here (the one closer). It usually has sausages in, but I'm not eating meat, so Quorn it is, all you need to do is whack in a MASSIVE LUMP OF BUTTER to make up for all the fat that comes out of sausages, haha.

yum! I'm serious, it's tasty.

I also cleaned out all of Winona's cage, she went a bit bonkers as she tends to whenever the opportunity arises.

Clean out Sharpey tomorrow and pack for Festival, woohoo!

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